Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why Does My True Hd Not Working On My Reciever Is HDMI Required For True Hd Quality On HDDVD Players?

Is HDMI required for true hd quality on HDDVD players? - why does my true hd not working on my reciever

Someone told me that all the quality you need to take an HDMI cable, component cables will not work by protecting against copying ... Is that true?


PoohBear... said...

Yes ... and no ...

Yes: HD-DVD and Blu-Ray's time for playback on the HD resolutions (720p, 1080i, 1080p) is specified, you need a certified interface with HDCP. Currently means that the HDMI or DVI.

N: For the moment, but not the studies are not the HDCP, because do not have many TV interface with HDCP. Apparently studies that HDCP will not ask to be implemented around 2010. If this means that stops the current HD-DVD playback suddenly in their non-HD TV HDCP is not clear.

So, now 720p, 1080i and 1080p can be for periods of component video-do (make sure to use your TV manual for details), and that with the HD-DVD. However, in the future, do not install the standard DVD resolution, which means that you need to buya new TV, or perhaps a kind of Council, to see movies in HD.

Empanada said...

No, I have an HD DVD player (connected to the XBox 360) by component video 1080p. I have confirmed that the video component with the sales staff will be working. The picture quality is very impressive compared to a standard DVD (I recommend the Planet Earth HD as a demonstration of the good).

Note that the HDMI is better if your TV has inputs (and most HD-DVD player) as outputs, because they carry both 1080p video with high quality digital surround sound. If there is only one option, just between the two, you should use HDMI.

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